Why a “vector” program? They create razor sharp images (or as sharp as your printer will print). Windows users like Corel and Mac users like “AI.” Frankly, I now get a LOT more AI files for color separations than Corel. Use one of the two popular “vector” programs like Corel Draw or Adobe Illustrator. Note: To zoom in on images and see them larger simply click on the image. This article will give you the highlights of some basic techniques and methods I am passionate about.
I think I am about as close as you can get to the real needs of a color separator. My opinions here come from the fact that I separate on average 1,500 to 1,800 jobs per year for clients large and small.
But, I feel strongly that if I can point you in the right direction and maybe cut through some of the myths and opinions that you hear – that are wrong – you will break out of your shell and start to learn how to do great color seps. It is almost impossible to tell everything you need to know about color separating in a short article.